Primary Marks
Revl’s primary logo is what we use on virtually everything we produce. This logo represent the company as a whole. For most applications, use the gradient logo. When
Secondary marks
Revls secondary marks may be used in situations where the primary logo doesn’t physically fit, such as in a profile picture, or on a small location on a hardware product.
Social Media Logos
Use these images for instances in which the Revl logo is needed to be in a square or centered format, e.g. social media profile pictures, link sharing thumbnails, etc.
Powered By Revl Marks
Revl uses the Powered By logos on customer facing products, such as at the end of customer videos, on the onboarding kiosk, and payment kiosk. They are intended to spread the Revl brand in a non-invasive way.
Corporate Seal
The company seal is a tool used to stamp or emboss your company's important documents in order to show the document is certified by, and agreed upon by, the Board of Directors of the company.
Some examples of uses are:
employment and vendor contracts
minutes from Board of Directors meetings
agreements of sale
loan documents
other commitments by the company
Logo Spacing
As a general rule, the clear space around the logo should be proportionally equal to the width of a square from the Squares within the logo. The logo should always appear with balanced negative space around all sides.
When dealing with constrained widths and small areas, please use the preferred logo.
* Logo size for online media (e.g. online banners) is screen-independent and based on standard web design practices.
** Logo size for digital media (e.g. mobile device ads) is based on a non-retina tablet screen.
Proper Usage
The Revl logo should always be used in full color and NEVER be broken apart or altered in any way. The logo with the tagline is used in advertising, media, and other outreach sources to help convey our message.
When horizontal space is limited, or within Revl digital products, website, places where the customer already knows what Revl is, we allow the use of the logo without the tagline. Approval is needed before using this logo.
Please note, only use 1-color logos when restricted to single-color media spaces.
Improper Usage
These are examples of improper usage of the logo. Do not alter the logo in any way:
1. Tilting the logo in any way
2. Scaling disproportionately
3. Skewing logo
4. Uneven pattern
5. Color logo on color image
6. Flipping logo
7. Using photos to fill logo
8. Text exceeding logo width
9. Using color logo over contrasting image
10. Outlining logo
11. Logo as outlines
12. Separating the letters
13. Using gradient logo over grey
14. Cropping the logo
Co-branding & Partnerships
Where possible, the Revl logo should always be displayed on the left, with a vertical line separating our logo from a partner’s logo.
All logos are scaled proportionally to maintain equal prominence. This ensures that all logos remain legible, with plenty of clear space.